Trapped by the malevolent, extradimensional predator known only as “House”, the Eleventh Doctor was forced to construct a makeshift TARDIS. Built from the flotsam of House’s previous Gallifreyan victims, this “junk TARDIS” was a ramshackle engine with just three walls – and a highly irregular control console. Lacking many of the traditional features of a TARDIS, such as its protective outer shell, this improvised time machine was highly unreliable and incredibly dangerous. It functioned only with the direct support of Idris – another victim of House, who served as a host for the matrix of the Doctor’s own TARDIS.
The console measure approx 12 cm tall and is carefully cast in metallic resin produced in 1:21 scale and then hand-painted for incredible detail.
The Eleventh Doctor Tardis Console model is #8 in the Doctor Who Eaglemoss Tardis Console Collection!
Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.